A Broken Heart. A Broken And Contrite Heart, Pound Self Into The Dust!

Early To Mighty, The Fields Are White Unto Harvest 11/06/2017
All Hail To The Bride Now Reigning In Heaven, Readying The Specialty Stone, The Antichrist Murderer

Listening Too, John Starnes, "Midnight Cry,"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rpQ3HFFMUk  to Selah,  People Of The Cross, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DksMpQTHMV0

     -A Broken Heart, A Broken and Contrite Spirit, An American Exodus, Are The Only Sacrifices God Will Bless, Pray More Heartbreakers Are Sent Into America's Blood Harvest. Again I Say, Pray! Ps. 51, 71, II Chron. 7, Dan. 9,  St, Jn. 17 

    -And I Heard In My Haring, late 2017, "Kill," beware, all, see Rev. 6, it's second seal, Apb, (and to the others he said in mine hearing, go ye after him {see the Lamb's book of life, 2015, this blessed roll call, to census taking}, "through the city, and smite: let not your eye spare, neither have ye pity: Slay utterly old and young, both maids and little children and women: but come not near any man upon whom is the mark; {Lamb's blood of life, 2015, the sealing of the righteous}, and begin at my sanctuary.... {and begin at my sanctuary, A beast in their pulpits, churches
     -Then they {commanded reapers, presently stampeding Americans, Westerners into exodus}, began at the ancient men {death rider,1996, began at abominable, detestable lives, lands and churches}, which were before the house, {abominably before God's Throne}, see Eze. 9:1-8. See why Apostle keep warning, now, as in right now, it is as the days of Noah and Moses, as the prophets Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel, as the age of Apostle John's explicating, God's Revelations, repent or perish, Jesus, a; US soil!
     -Only by American's dream men as the days of Noah's Flood, and now a projected only weeks past, it too an extinction level event, a Noah (NOAA's), cousin, are blind, deaf and dumb (unresponsive), they are cursed. Regardless, Elohim explained to Prophet Ezekiel, HE's to send him to those who wouldn't, even couldn't listen, I know but, well, just give yourself the simplest little test, got Him, got Jesus yet? www.2016.onewayprayer.blogspot.com; I know nothing I say is gonna stop people (Americans giving into America, worldwide), from going on like all is normal, especially a day at church.
     -Though having entered a time when even a day at the park can be fatal, even bike riding with such predators about, it is wise to take precautions, to stop this pretending. Don't venture out except for emergencies, yes meaning church, pulpits, those I witnessed lately great beast tearing through and through. I know how this sound, but this is America's come exodus until tens of millions are dead, get out only doing emergencies, remember commanded reapers, as portrayed the scripture above, targets all procrastinating America's world staged exit, mass assembly also called into repentance is predominantly only one of many.
     -Though this is what Holy Spirit meant right before hurricane Katrina, when they said, all going about as though all is normal (the American Dream), can just forget it, now they're leprous through with elephants and Noah's cousin these sand castles and Little Miya girls, their projected escape vehicles, yet in it's slowest motion. Still, as is come America's D-day, I know, the moment Jesus said the thief, Satan, had come but for to steal, kill and destroy, woe, woe, woe to earths inhabitants, all gone before thieves and robbers like him, As so, here lately, get ye to repentant altars, that's your contrite heart, your prayer closets, your knees, commanded reapers, as the days of Prophet Ezekiel's, now target you, just these unsinkable troubles, beginning Gods sanctuary, having no respect to age, person nor location, beware!
     -Actually the urgent, most unsettling cry in my ear went like this, "get ye to repentant Altars, God is avenging martyred blood," explaining the taking of census, with Gods sealed, all flesh is then bait for the wine press, taking. Herein the command not only that all parents be killed, but all schools (modern civilization), be finished, Prophetically, Revelation, it goes like this, "Mountains and dens of the rocks fall on us and hide us, for the great day of HIS Wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand? Just as as, so, as the days of Prophet Ezekiel, though they don't have too, (hide from God), seeing they are Anointed, Ascended, still only those wearing the seal of approval, that is God's, Jesus!
     -Now if for the American dream and Trumps Administration you don't think this is serious, the whore of religious, of Abomination, thousands of years this planet is shown to, like America, have in her hand a cup of Martyred Blood. Apparently, just before God's wrath, in an hour's time decimate her, Mystery, America, from this planet. Truly this harsher than harsh reminder not only is He God, but HE is as the days of Noah, a Winepress of wrath, of reaping. I know, judging these thousands to decades, to even hours of forewarnings by the American standard, by choosing to hold their breath, the ritual, the head burial, the sand as often times a day, that this day isn't D-day God all at once, again this Noah' (NOAA's) cousin, prove Himself, there is simply, as America's continuance, if there ever was, no fear of God in their doomed hearts, beware, Apb, The RAM

     -P S. Caution: all those watching the TV series, Underground, or those which involve the holocaustial enslavement of the African, even the native Indian, President Hussein Obama administration brought the abomination of the slave market full circle, this religious, to political to societal redemption. Again, I caution all watching, as truly as Christ's Cross, settle this truth to heart, forgive and forget as you ought, Jesus is our high priestly calling, all else is vanity, get it, get Jesus and ascend out of it! Apb, The RAM


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